Golden Plane (4-5-6) Lo Shu Grid

The Loshu Grid, also known as the magic square, is a fascinating tool used in Chinese numerology to reveal insights about an individual’s life path. Within this grid, a unique pattern known as the Golden Plane emerges when the numbers 4, 5, and 6 align diagonally. This occurrence is believed to create a powerful astrological configuration known as Raj Yog, which brings immense benefits and prosperity to those who possess it. Calculate Your Lo Shu Grid.

Golden Plane Loshu

Significance of the Golden Plane

Raj Yog, translated as the “royal union,” signifies a harmonious alignment of celestial forces that bestow individuals with exceptional luck, name, fame, and wealth. The Golden Plane, formed by the numbers 4, 5, and 6, epitomizes this auspicious configuration.

Those blessed with the Golden Plane often experience unwavering support from their family, friends, life partners, and children. This support system acts as a pillar of strength, helping them navigate through life’s challenges with ease.

Characteristics of People with Golden Plane

Easiness in Life: Individuals with the Golden Plane often find that things come to them effortlessly. Opportunities present themselves, and they are able to seize them without undue struggle.

Success in Every Aspect of Life: The presence of the Golden Plane indicates a life filled with success. These individuals excel in their careers, enjoy harmonious relationships, and lead fulfilling lives.

Luxury from Parents & Ancestors: The Golden Plane also signifies that individuals may receive luxury and wealth from their parents and ancestors. This inherited prosperity further enhances their quality of life.

Confidence in Expressing Opinions: Those with the Golden Plane are confident in expressing their opinions and beliefs. They possess a natural charisma that attracts others to them, making them effective communicators and leaders.

Impact of Incomplete Golden Plane

Disputes with Family for Properties: In cases where the Golden Plane is incomplete, individuals may experience disputes within their family, especially concerning properties and inheritance. This can lead to strained relationships and emotional turmoil.

Fear in Expressing Opinions: The absence of a complete Golden Plane can also result in individuals being afraid to voice their opinions. They may lack the confidence to assert themselves, which can hinder their personal and professional growth.

Lack of Respect & Appreciation for Work: Despite their hard work and efforts, individuals without a complete Golden Plane may struggle to gain the respect and appreciation they deserve. Their contributions may go unnoticed, leading to feelings of frustration and disillusionment.